Hatching Chick Spring Sensory Bin

This hatching chick Spring sensory bin is great for imaginative play, learning to count and exploring different textures.  The best bit is hatching the plastic easter eggs to see how many chicks are inside each egg. 

Easter egg and chick spring sensory bin activity for toddlers and preschoolers.
See our collection of 20 Easter crafts and activities.

Hatching Chick Spring Sensory Bin - Supplies:

  • Plastic eggs
  • Little chicks
  • Shredded paper
  • Feathers
  • Foam chicks and eggs

Hatching Chick Sensory Bin

This sensory bin was really easy to set up using the eggs and chicks we had left over from Easter. I tried to include a few different textures for Harry to explore, so I put shredded paper, feathers, foam eggs and chicks into a basket.  Then I filled the plastic eggs with little chicks. 

Harry had a great time collecting and hatching the plastic eggs.  He loved counting the chicks in each egg and was especially pleased with the egg I had squeezed loads of chicks into.  After he had hatched all the chicks Harry enjoyed some imaginative play with the chicks, eggs and some of the shredded paper. 

Plastic easter egg and chick activity for toddlers and preschoolers
Plastic easter egg and chick activity for kids.

Harry: Age 3

Easter egg and chick spring sensory bin activity for toddlers and preschoolers.

You might also like our spring sensory bin that included our spring sensory bin printables for the Messy Little Monster Shop. 

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