Celery Roses

Make beautiful roses by printing with celery stalks.   This simple art technique is perfect for all ages and the resulting rose prints are really effective.  Print the rose shapes in a ring and this craft goes perfectly with the nursery rhyme Ring O Ring O Roses. Alternatively these rose prints make a great valentines craft, maybe printed onto a card, or as wrapping paper? 

Ring o ring o roses nursery rhyme printing craft for toddlers, preschoolers, eyfs
Continuing on with our rhymetime series, today we are focusing on the nursery rhyme 'Ring O Ring O Roses'.  Don't forget to take a look at all our previous nursery rhyme crafts and activities

To make printed roses you will need:

  • A bunch of celery
  • Red or pink paint
  • Green paint/ pens to add on the leaves 

How to make roses using a bunch of celery:

Simply by cutting a bunch of celery across the middle you create a rose shape to print with. 

Rose prints using a bunch of celery, fun art technique for kids

We simply dipped our bunch of celery into a plate of paint and started printing roses. I used green paint to add leaves to my roses.  Daisy (15 months) simply had a great time printing and spreading paint across the paper. 

printing roses with celery. ring o ring o roses craft

I printed some roses into a ring.  A perfect craft for Ring O Ring O Roses. 
Rose prints using celery. Ring o ring o roses nursery rhyme craft. Preschoolers, toddlers, eyfs
Take a look at these other 'Ring O Ring O Roses crafts and activities: 

Fresh rose petal wreath : Teach Me Mommy

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