If you are looking for more rainbow activities take a look at our edible rainbow paint that we used for painting on bread, our rainbow flower craft or have a go at doing the rainbow skittles science experiment.

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More rainbow sensory play ideas:
The rainbow spaghetti sensory play activity that we are sharing today is so much fun for little children to explore. To make it even more fun we paired it with the book, 'A Rainbow of my Own' by Don Freeman. Scroll down for more activity ideas to accompany this book and to see a youtube video of the story being read.
More rainbow sensory play ideas:
The rainbow spaghetti sensory play activity that we are sharing today is so much fun for little children to explore. To make it even more fun we paired it with the book, 'A Rainbow of my Own' by Don Freeman. Scroll down for more activity ideas to accompany this book and to see a youtube video of the story being read.
How to make spaghetti video directions
How to Dye Rainbow Spaghetti for Sensory Play
Rainbow Spaghetti Supplies:
- Spaghetti
- Ziplock bags
- Food colouring
- Water
- Colandar
- Container/ tub for the rainbow spaghtetti
How to make Rainbow Spaghetti
STEP 1: Prepare supplies
You need surprisingly few supplies to make this coloured spaghetti, but it is still good to be organised and have everything to hand.
STEP 2: Cook spaghetti
Cook the spaghetti following the instructions on the pack. Drain and rinse the spaghetti.
STEP 3: Add spaghetti and colouring to ziplock bags
STEP 4: Mix colouring and spaghetti
Zip the ziplock bags up and mix the spaghetti and food colouring together. Daisy (aged 2) helped me with this part. Squash it, squeeze it, throw it in the air, just keep moving the colour around the bag until all of the spaghetti is totally covered. Repeat with each colour.
STEP 5: Rinse coloured spaghetti
Once all of the spaghetti is covered in food colouring put each colour into your colander and rinse the spaghetti under the tap. This step is really important, if you miss it out your child will end up covered in food dye!
Put the rainbow coloured spaghetti into a container or tub and it is ready to be played with.
Rainbow spaghetti sensory play
If you are doing this sensory play activity with a toddler or preschooler a small container full of rainbow spaghetti on the table works well. If you are doing it with a baby you may be better off adding coloured spaghetti to a large tray on the floor for them to sit in or next to.
Playing with rainbow spaghetti is a great sensory experience for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. It feels slimy and slips through their fingers easily. It's also a great activity for helping little ones to learn their colours.
Daisy (aged 2) loved mixing the different coloured spaghetti together.
Daisy (aged 2) loved mixing the different coloured spaghetti together.
As the spaghetti and food colouring used to dye spaghetti is edible you don't need to worry about young children putting it into their mouths (if they are still at that stage).
You could enhance this sensory play idea by hiding plastic minibeasts or numbers in the spaghetti for little ones to hunt for, you could even give them some giant tweezers to use to pick up the items they find.
The addition of small pots and pans would enable children to mix the spaghetti up or separate it into different pots as they cook up dinner or a magic potion. It would also be really fun to do this on a huge scale so that the children are able to sit in the rainbow spaghetti to explore it.
We had fun adding ponies to our rainbow spaghetti (at Daisy's request)
If you are doing this rainbow sensory play activity alongside reading the book 'A rainbow of my Own' like we did here are a few more rainbow activities based on the book that you might like to try.
- 5 Math Games using Painted Rainbow Counters - The Educators' Spin On It
- Rainbow Alphabet Activity- Growing Book by Book
- Easy rainbow name game - Toddler approved
- Find the Unicorn Rainbow Sensory Bin - Inspiration Laboratories
- Taste Safe Rainbow Sensory Play - Adventures and Play
- Preschool Color Activities - Roll and Cover Rainbow
- Awesome Rainbow Experiments for Kids- Teach Beside Me
- Construction Paper Rainbow Craft from The Moments at Home
- Mixing Colors to Make a Rainbow - Mama Smiles
- CVC Word Family Rainbow Puzzles - Sea of Knowledge
- Rainbow Words - Rainy Day Mum
- Rainbow Preschool Music Craft & Song - Preschool Powol Packets
If you don't have the story book share the video below with your child.
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