Christmas Tree Fingerprint Counting Activity

Help young children to learn their numbers with our printable Christmas tree fingerprint counting activity. Toddlers and preschoolers will love using their painty fingerprints or colourful buttons to count 'ornaments' onto numbered Christmas trees. This hands on printable activity is such a fun way for kids to work on number recognition and counting skills.

Free printable Christmas tree counting activity. A fun fingerprint counting idea for toddlers and preschoolers working on early counting and number recognition. Great for a Winter or Christmas project.

Are you looking for more Christmas activities

Take a look at our Christmas tree fingerprint ornament, Reindeer food station (including printables) and our blank Santa letters.

Christmas Tree Fingerprint Counting Activity

Christmas Tree Coutning Activity Supplies:

Christmas Tree Counting Activity Instructions

There are so many ways you can use this printable Christmas tree counting activity. We have two versions of this Christmas tree printable available. One with numbers 1-9 next to the Christmas trees, one with blank boxes for you to add your own numbers.

Using paint, ink pads or even markers to add the correct number of ornaments to each of the Christmas tree. 

Free printable Christmas tree counting activity. A fun fingerprint counting idea for toddlers and preschoolers working on early counting and number recognition. Great for a Winter or Christmas project.

We love using our fingerprints in paint so that there is a sensory element added to the activity. You could choose to only use one colour paint or offer a selection. If you have a child that doesn't want to get the paint on their fingers you could always use a paint brush or cotton buds (Q-sticks) instead. 

Free printable Christmas tree counting activity. A fun fingerprint counting idea for toddlers and preschoolers working on early counting and number recognition. Great for a Winter or Christmas project.

Using loose parts for this counting activity is also lots of fun and it means that you can use the activity again and again.  If you want the activity to last it might be a good idea to laminate the printable. 

Free printable Christmas tree counting activity. A fun fingerprint counting idea for toddlers and preschoolers working on early counting and number recognition. Great for a Winter or Christmas project.

We used buttons, but sequins or tiny pom poms would be fun to use too. 

Free printable Christmas tree counting activity. A fun fingerprint counting idea for toddlers and preschoolers working on early counting and number recognition. Great for a Winter or Christmas project.


To get this Christmas tree printable head to our printable shop. For personal or classroom use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted. Thank you. 

Christmas fingerprint counting activity printable

We hope that you enjoy using your Christmas tree fingerprint-counting activity. Before you leave why not take a look at a few more of our counting activities.

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