Are you looking for more Christmas ideas? Maybe make some salt dough Christmas decoration, write a letter to santa or mix up some magical reindeer food.
The Kindness Elves Christmas Tradition
The kindness elves work in a similar way to the popular elf on the shelf elves. They are magical and playful and you can have a lot of fun with them, but instead of reporting back to santa on whether your child has been good or bad the kindness elves are introduced to spread kindness and love.
Whilst having fun with the kindness elves children are learning about what makes someone kind and thoughtful. This is hopefully a lesson which will stay with them long after the kindness elves have left.
(The full range of kindness elves and accessories are available by following this link to the kindness elves website.)
On arrival the kindness elves introduce themselves and explain that they "are kindness elves who have come to stay, to do good deeds and have fun with play".
Acts of kindness could be anything, big or small. It could be giving someone a hug, clearing the dishes away, baking cookies or donating old clothes.
Some mornings the children could even wake up to find that the elves have done an act of kindness themselves, like set up a fun activity for the children, tidied up their room or decorated the Christmas tree.
The Kindness elves come in an adorable little house, complete with a tiny letter box. The fully working letter box can be used for sending tiny pieces of elf mail backwards and forwards between the children and the elves. This has the added bonus of encouraging early or reluctant writers.
There are lots of beautiful little notes and mini postcards in the kindness elves accessories pack, but if you want to make your own your could have a go at making these tiny folded heart notes and envelopes or use our free printable postcards that we made after reading 'The Story of the Kindness Elves'.
'The Story of the Kindness Elves' is a beautiful book that explains the story of where the kindness elves come from and how they spend their days making special kindness potions. One day they discover they need the help of some special children, and this is where your children come in. They are the children chosen to help spread kindness and love.
Get your kindness elves set today so that you can be ready to spread kindness and love over the Christmas period (and beyond!)
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