See lots more bug themed crafts and activities on our bug and butterfly themed activity calendar.
This is one of a collection of bug activities that we have been sharing lately. As we head into Spring and then Summer we are going to be seeing a lot more bugs about! Children seem fascinated by the little minibeasts and it is a great theme to work with.
Why not go on a bug hunt and see if you can find any real snails before you begin this activity? Or read some bug themed books? Or even see if you can move like a snail with our bug action cards?
This snail sticker craft is really low prep and we even have a free printable snail template for you to use. Peeling stickers is a great activity for working on fine motor skills for toddlers and preschoolers.
Kids will love the challenge of trying to fill their snail with stickers. Some children will enjoy racing to see how quickly they can fill their snail up, while others will like to take their time carefully coming up with a design.
You will need:
- Snail printable
- Small stickers
Snail Sticker Craft
To prepare this activity simply download and print out the snail template. You can either print onto paper or card. We decided to print onto coloured card and we cut our snails out.
Give your child the snail template along with a few sheets of stickers. We used heart stickers but any stickers would work for this activity. Either see what stickers you have at home or use the links added above to order some.
Young children will have to work hard to peel the stickers and stick them within the spiral on the snail. This is great for developing toddler and preschoolers fine motor skills and hand eye co-ordination.
Younger toddlers and preschoolers may just enjoy adding stickers where they please, but older children could create patterns with the stickers. This snail craft would be a great activity for slightly older children learning about repeating patterns.
Adding a competion element may appeal to some children. It definitely appealed to Daisy (aged 3) as you can see by her face in the image below! Why not race each other and see who can fill their snail with all the stickers first, but make sure that none of the stickers touch the lines!
Try printing the snail printable onto different coloured papers or cards and using a varitey of stickers to see what different snails you can create. You could even colour the snail in before adding the stickers.
Find more printables here
For personal use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted. When sharing this printable please link directly to this blog post and not to the PDF. Thank you.
If you enjoyed this snail craft dont forget to take a look at our other bug activities too. We have a fun 'The Very hungry caterpillar' craft that is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers or you might prefer to get active with a bug hunt or our bug action game. Have fun!

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