Learn to Count with Chocolate - A fun Counting Activity for Toddlers

Mmmmm......using chocolate definitely makes learning to count more fun. This counting activity involves reading numbers, ordering numbers, counting......and.....EATING CHOCOLATE! Toddlers and preschoolers are going to be asking to do this activity again and again!

Learn to count counting activity with chocolate

When teaching toddlers and preschoolers to count you want it to be fun! With hands on fun games and activities like this counting with chocolate activity, young children will have no idea they are learning as they play.

More counting activities for toddlers and preschoolers:

Learn to Count with Chocolate

Counting activity supplies:

  • Small chocolates (chocolate stars, chocolate buttons etc or an alternative)
  • Paper plates
  • Marker pen 
  • Teddies
  • Picnic Blanket

How to set up your learning to count with chocolate activity

Toddlers and preschoolers will not only love learning to count as they do this activity, they will also love helping you to set it up! Get them involved!

STEP 1: Set up a teddy bear picnic

What toddler or preschooler doesn't love a teddy bears picnic. They are going to have so much choosing their favourite teddies for this activity.  Start by laying down a picnic blanket and sit a selection of their favourite teddies around the edge. 

STEP 2: Write numbers on the paper plates 

Write numbers 1-5 on paper plates (or higher numbers if your toddler or preschooler is ready). Read the numbers to your child and ask them to place them next to the teddies. Older preschoolers can try to put them in order. 

chocolate counting activity for toddlers

STEP 3: Bring in the chocolate!

Now it is chocolate time! Read each number to your toddler or preschooler (or ask them to read it themselves) and count out the correct number of chocolates for each teddy.

counting activity for toddlers

Check each teddy has the correct number of chocolates and then help them eat them! If your preschooler is ready you could talk to them about which teddy has more or less chocolates.

You can also do this activity using pom poms or pretend food.

learn to count counting activity ideas

We hope that you have lots of fun with this chocolate counting activity for preschoolers and toddlers. It is such a fun way to learn to count.

counting activity using chocolate

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