Mono Printing - a fun painting technique for kids

We made our monoprints by covering our table in paint and printing directly onto it.  We made sooooo much mess which Harry thought was great.  Each print was different and I love all the different effects that the paint made. 

Monoprinting just means 'making one print'. To make these prints all you need is paint and a smooth surface.  We have a glass table so we painted directly onto the table but a tray, tile or plastic table cloth would work in the same way.

We used this printing technique when making our poppy picture but today we just wanted to have fun getting messy and making some abstract prints. 

We squirted paint onto the table.  We started off with red and gold and then later added some white to make pink. For some of the prints Harry drew patterns in the paint with his hands and for other we printed the pattern that the paint had made. 

Once Harry was happy with his 'design' we pressed a piece of paper onto the painty table.....

...and then carefully lifted it off to reveal our print.

We made LOADS of prints. 

The patterns were really effective and each one was individual.  

Harry: Age 3

What patterns will you create? 

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