Inspired by the nursery rhyme 'Five Little Ducks' we recycled an egg carton and turned it into a pond small world. This simple craft was great for encouraging Harry to re enact the nursery rhyme and engage in imaginative play.

Are you looking for more nursery rhyme activities? Take a look at our Incy Wincy spider craft, our magnetic fishing game and our Old Mac Donald story stones.
Our 'Five Little Ducks' egg carton craft is part of a fortnightly rhyme time series. Check out our other nursery rhymes ideas or scroll to the bottom of the page to see other ideas inspired by the nursery rhyme 'Five Little Ducks'.
How to make an Egg Carton pond
You will need:
- Egg carton
- Blue paint
- Green foam
- Brown felt
- Foam numbers
- Glue
- Paint your egg carton blue.
- Cut out a hill shape from the green foam. Stick it to the lid of the egg carton.
- Cut out green foam triangles and strips for the reeds . Stick them on top of the hill and to the bottom of the egg box.
- Cut out and stick on brown felt ovals to complete the reeds.
- Add foam numbers.
Harry painted the egg carton but then wanted me to make the rest of the pond, but there is no reason why small children couldn't make their own pond small world. Harry wanted to add his glass pebbles to the bottom of our pond. An alternative idea which could be really effective would be to collect and use real nature instead of cutting shapes from green foam.
How to make pom pom ducks
you will need:
- A bag of mixed size yellow pom poms
- Orange card
- Googly eyes
- Glue
To make the pom pom ducks take 2 yellow pom poms, one larger than the other. Stick the smaller pom pom on top of the larger one. Stick on two eyes and a beak. Make the beak by folding a tiny square of orange card in half diagonally.
Harry had a great time playing with his pond. He lined his ducks up, took them for a swim over the hill, looked at the numbers and counted his ducks and used his imagination to play with his ducks in the pond.
Number felt board: Crafty Kids at Home
Five little ducks pool noodle: Adventures of Adam
Little duck finger puppets: Teach Me Mommy
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