Use our homemade puffy paint recipe to make the cutest pumpkin craft for preschoolers! This puffy paint pumkin craft is so much fun to make and you only need shaving cream and glue (plus a bit of colouring) to make the puffy paint. To make this fun Halloween crafts for kids just print out a set of free printable pumpkin templates and follow our easy step by step instructions. The 3D effect on this puffy paint pumpkin when the paint has dried will really impress toddlers and preschoolers!
Halloween is such a fun time of year for crafts. If you want to try out a few more pumpkin themed crafts take a look at our colour mixing pumpkin craft or our plastic halloween lanterns.
Why not make a few pumpkin or jack o lantern themed snacks? These healthy jack o lantern halloween snacks are cute and so easy to make, as are these easy to make mini pumkin pizzas.
We also have lots of other fun halloween crafts for toddlers, preschoolers and older kids to enjoy! These halloween bats are one of my favouite halloween activities for kids.
Below we have added easy step by insructions to make your own puffy paint recipe and pumpkin craft. Scroll down for the free printable pumpkin templates.
Before you can begin this fun pumpkin craft you will need to mix up a batch of puffy paint. Puffy paint is easy to make and uses only 2 ingredients, shaving cream and glue. To add colour to your puffy paint recipe you can simply add a little paint.
To make puffy paint you need to mix shaving cream, white school glue and paint together in an old bowl. You will need more shaving foam than glue, but the measurements don't need to be too exact. We used about one measure of glue for every two measures of shaving foam. Then we squirted a bit of paint in until we had made a bright orange colour that we were happy with.
You could prepare the puffy paint for this activity in advance, but Daisy (aged 3) loved mixing it up herself, you can see how easy it is in the video below.
If you enjoy this puffy paint craft you might enjoy our puffy paint snowman craft too!
Why not make a few pumpkin or jack o lantern themed snacks? These healthy jack o lantern halloween snacks are cute and so easy to make, as are these easy to make mini pumkin pizzas.
We also have lots of other fun halloween crafts for toddlers, preschoolers and older kids to enjoy! These halloween bats are one of my favouite halloween activities for kids.
Below we have added easy step by insructions to make your own puffy paint recipe and pumpkin craft. Scroll down for the free printable pumpkin templates.
To make this puffy paint recipe and pumpkin craft you will need:
- Shaving cream
- White school glue
- Orange paint
- Black card
- Green pipe cleaners
- Card pumpkin shapes (scroll down for the free printable pumkin templates or make your own)
Puffy Paint Recipe
Before you can begin this fun pumpkin craft you will need to mix up a batch of puffy paint. Puffy paint is easy to make and uses only 2 ingredients, shaving cream and glue. To add colour to your puffy paint recipe you can simply add a little paint.
To make puffy paint you need to mix shaving cream, white school glue and paint together in an old bowl. You will need more shaving foam than glue, but the measurements don't need to be too exact. We used about one measure of glue for every two measures of shaving foam. Then we squirted a bit of paint in until we had made a bright orange colour that we were happy with.
You could prepare the puffy paint for this activity in advance, but Daisy (aged 3) loved mixing it up herself, you can see how easy it is in the video below.
If you enjoy this puffy paint craft you might enjoy our puffy paint snowman craft too!
Puffy Paint Pumpkin Craft
STEP 1: Prepare your pumpkin shapes
We have included some free printable pumpkin templates at the bottom of the page that you can use to create this pumpkin craft or you can of course draw your own. You will need to print the templates out onto cardstock as paper would be too thin to hold the puffy paint.
Older children can then cut out their pumpkin shapes ready to create their puffy paint pumpkins! Toddlers and younger preschoolers may need a little help with this step.
STEP 2: Add puffy paint to your pumpkin shape
Once you have made your puffy paint you are ready to make your pumpkin craft. This part of the activity is really fun for young children and can get nice and messy! Spoon the puffy paint onto the pumpkin shapes and then spread it out using the back of a spoon or a paint brush. The more paint you add the puffier it will be when it is dry.
STEP 3: Add details to your pumpkin craft
Cut out eyes, noses and mouths from black card. Place them onto the puffy paint to design your Jack O Lantern face. Again toddlers and younger preschoolers may need help cutting out the shapes, but older kids can cut out their own shapes to design their own jack o lantern craft.
For an added detail you could also twist a green pipe cleaner around your finger to get a spiral effect and add it to the top of your pumpkin.
There is no need to add any extra glue to these features as the glue in the puffy paint will hold them in place once dry.
STEP 4: Leave the puffy paint to dry
Leave the puffy paint to dry for a few hours or over night. It might take quite a while depending on how much puffy paint you have used. Once dry the paint remains puffy!
Daisy (aged 3) said that her pumpkin felt soft and squidgy! She enjoyed this pumpkin craft so much that she wanted to make three pumpkins. You can see in the photograph below how pleased Daisy was with her completed puffy paint pumpkins.
As well as pumpkin templates we have a whole set of Halloween colouring pages.
To download this printable pumpkin template for free add $0 and click on the 'I want this' box below. It may take a moment for the page to load so please be patient.
For personal use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted. When sharing this printable please link directly to this blog post and not to the PDF. Thank you.
Get your printable pumpkin template

Using our easy puffy paint recipe to make this pumpkin craft is so much fun. The puffy paint pumpkins look and feel amazing when they are dry! So what are you waiting for? Go and download the free printable pumpkin template and get ready to make this fun pumpkin craft! It is the perfect halloween craft for toddlers and preschoolers who like getting messy!

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