As well as making your own DIY wrapping paper do think about making your own gifts or keepsakes for family and friends as they are always really appreciated, especially by parents and grandparents. Take a look at our ever growing collection of keepsake crafts for kids to make.
Most of the ideas shared involve painting or printing a design onto large pieces of paper. We would recommend getting a large roll of paper to print onto or using brown paper bags.
Easy DIY Wrapping paper Ideas
Take a look at the fabulous DIY wrapping paper idea shared below and click on the links for full details.
Sponge Printed Gift Bags
Use sponge shapes and print them onto gift bags. Once the paint has dried you can add details with pens and glue on sequins and glitter.
Make your own stamp
Make your own stamp from cardboard and craft foam and use it to stamp over brown paper or tissue paper. (You can also use bottle caps and craft foam to make homemade stamps)
2D Shape Painting
Make some shapes from cardboard tubes and use them to print with. This is a fun way to make wrapping paper and help toddlers learn their shapes at the same time.
Cookie Cutter Printed Gift Wrap or Gift Bags
Use different shapes cookie cutters to print onto gift wrap or brown paper bags. Using a heart makes this a perfect wrapping paper to use for a loved one.
Footprint Reindeer Wrapping Paper (idea from 'Skip to my Lou')
Cover gift wrap with footprints and then turn the prints into cute pictures like on this reindeer wrapping paper.
Rolling Pin Printed Gift Wrap (idea from 'Childhood 101')
Find different textures and wrap them around a rolling pin. Dip them in paint and then roll them across a large sheet of paper.
Lego Printed Wrapping Paper (idea from 'No Time for Flashcards')
Here is another use for large pieces of lego (duplo). Dip them in paint and then use them to print onto a roll of paper. The resulting pattern looks really cool!
Have fun trying out some of these easy DIY wrapping paper ideas. What else could you find to print with?
Take a look at our homemade gift ideas and all our keepsake gift ideas that kids can make. You might find the perfect gift to make and wrap for someone you love.

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