We love crafts that are easy to make, but look good too! Paper doillies are great to use for simple projects as they look beautiful, even before anything has been added to them! We recently made paper doily peacocks which look beautiful.
Chicks are fun to make around Easter time or for a Spring project. We have more than 20 Easter crafts and activities for you to look at in our Easter collection and we have a Spring activity calendar full of even more ideas. If you want to keep with the chick theme take a look at our Easter chick in a jar.
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Paper Doily Chick Craft Supplies List:
- Paper Doillies
- Liquid watercolour paints
- Paintbrush
- Feathers
- Googly eyes
- Orange card
- Glue
Paper Doily Chick Craft
To create your chick you need to start by painting the paper doily yellow. I would recommed using liquid watercolour paints as the colours are so bright and vivid, which is just what you want for this chick craft. Leave the painted paper doily to dry.
If you want this to be a quick craft for your toddler or preschooler you could paint the paper doillies yellow in advance. That way they will be ready for your little one to start the sticking stage.
Once the paper doily is dry give it to your child along with some yellow feathers, googly eyes, and some orange card cut into triangle shapes as beaks.
children will love creating their own individual chicks from all the craft supplies. It's amazing how different each of the chicks can look when they are made from the same set of materials. Daisy (aged 3) was especially taken with the red 'angy' eyes in the picture above!
If you enjoyed this paper doily chick craft you might enjoy some of the ideas in our chick craft collection. We have lots more craft ideas for toddlers and preschoolers to try.

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