Turkey activities are perfect for Thanksgiving. After doing these fun coloring and activity pages you might like to try some of our other Thanksgiving activities for kids.
You could try making a paper plate turkey craft, a turkey hand, a colorful paper turkey craft, a shape turkey craft or use our turkey template to make a mix-and-match turkey craft.
If you need to keep the kids busy during Thanksgiving dinner you NEED these Thanksgiving printable placemats for kids.
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Thanksgiving Coloring Page Printable
This printable Thanksgiving activity pack contains 3 pages.
- A turkey coloring page with the words 'Happy Thanksgiving'.
- A black and white I am thankful for.... activity page.
- A full color I am thankful for.... activity page.
The I am thankful for... printables can be used to write one thing you are thankful for on each feather. There are 7 numbered feathers to fill in. There is also a space on the turkeys body for children to add their name and age.
To download this printable Thanksgiving activity for free click on the link below and add the discount code: thanksgiving. For personal or classroom use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted. Thank you.
We hope that you enjoy using this Thanksgiving coloring page printable. It would be fun to fill in the I am thankful for...printable each year to see how what children are thankful for changes as they get older!

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