Decorating the room for any occasion is always fun and paper bunting can look fabulous strung up across the room. As well as this Thanksgiving printable bunting template we also have a 4th of July printable bunting template and a Christmas printable bunting template coming soon.
Once you have printed off and coloured in your own paper bunting you might like to give these printable Thanksgiving placemats a try!
Scroll down to get your printable bunting template
Thanksgiving Paper Bunting - printable bunting template
We have included 8 Thanksgiving bunting designs to colour:
- A turkey with the words 'Happy Thanksgiving'
- Pumpkins with the words 'Happy Thanksgiving'
- The words I am thankful for...... with hearts below for you to write what you are thankful for.
- A turkey to colour
- And 4 leaf/ pumpkin designs
How to make DIY bunting using our printable bunting template.
STEP 1: Download and print bunting template
The bunting templates can be found at the bottom of the page. Download a copy of the templates and then print out your chosen bunting flags. You may want to print out all the designs or choose your favourites.
STEP 2: Cut and colour your own paper bunting
Now it is time have fun colouring in your bunting! Use markers, crayons or paint! You could even add pom poms, sequins or glitter. Once you have finished decorating your paper bunting cut out the flags.
If you are using the plain bunting template get creative and come up with your own thanksgiving themed designs.
STEP 3: Hang your paper bunting
To complete your bunting so it is ready for hanging you will need a long piece of string or ribbon to hang the bunting flags on. Fold along the dotted line at the top of each flag and then glue the tab over the string or ribbon.
Now all that is left to do is hang up your paper bunting to decorate the room ready for Thanksgiving!
To download this Thanksgiving printable bunting template for free click on the link below and use the discount code: bunting. For personal use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted.
We hope that you enjoy using our bunting template to make your own paper bunting this Thanksgiving. We love all the different designs available on this printable bunting template and we know you are going to have so much fun decorating the room if you make your own Thanksgiving paper bunting.

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