Ocean animal action movement cards

Use these ocean animal action cards to get the kids moving! Can they scuttle like a crab or jump like a seahorse? Kids or all ages from toddlers and preschoolers upwards will love using these animal movement cards to get active and try out lots of ocean animal themed movements. Put on some ocean music and watch your kids glide, stretch and snap around the room. They will have so much fun!

Ocean animal action movement cards for kids. Keep toddlers and preschoolers active with these ocean animal themed printable activity cards

As we head into spring and then the summer months ocean animals is an exciting theme to explore. There are so many fun crafts and activities linked to the ocean and this ocean movement activity is no exception.

If you want more ocean themed activities check these out:

Children love to move. In fact my children find it hard to stay still! These ocean animal movement action cards are perfect for movement breaks or for bringing animal movements into children's play.

As well as working on developing their physical and co-ordination skills as they follow the actions on these cards, young children can learn the names of new animals and explore the way they move.

If they aren't sure how some of the ocean animals move use this as a teaching point. See if you can find video clips of the ocean animals moving for the kids to watch.


Ocean Animal Movement Cards

You will need:

  • Ocean animal action card printable
  • Laminating pouches
  • Laminator

ocean animal action cards

Ocean Animal Action Card Directions

Download and print out your set of ocean animal action cards. Included in this set are 10 different ocean animal action cards in total as well as a question card asking which is your favourite ocean animal?

These action cards are available as A4 posters and A6 cards (4 to a page). To prolong the use of these ocean movement cards we would recommend laminating the cards.

Once you have prepare the action cards you are ready to start the game! Pick one ocean animal action card at a time and try out the move. Can you float like a jelly fish or leap like a dolphin? Which ocean animal is your favourite?

You could play ocean themed music in the background to help set the scene. Once your kids are confident with doing movements for each of the action cards you could put several of the movements together to create a dance.

Ocean animal movement cards printable. Use as movement break cards


To download these ocean animal action cards click on the link below to be taken to the Messy Little Monster shop. For personal or classroom use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted. Thank you.

We have a set of bug action movement cards too that you might want to check out. 

ocean animal action movement cards

We hope that you enjoy using these ocean animal action movement cards. They are great for movement breaks, but also for just having some plain old fun!

Ocean animal action cards printable. Use as movement break cards

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