Alien Stick Puppets Craft (with template)

Enjoy a fun craft full of laughter and creativity! Our Alien Stick Puppets are adorable and a great way to spend time together making something cute to play with afterward. Your kids are going to love imagining fantasy-driven stories about these alien puppets!

Alien stick puppets craft

Thanks to our alien puppets template making these little guys is going to be a breeze, so there's no need to worry about complicated steps or expensive supplies.

We recommend colour suggestions if you would like to make a set of alien puppets exactly like the ones in the pictures, but feel free to let your imagination run wild and colour the alien puppets with your favourite shades.

Check out our list of DIY puppets as well as these stick puppet ideas:

Scroll down for the alien puppet template 

Alien Craft Stick Puppets

alien puppets craft

Alien Stick Puppets Supplies:

  • Alien puppet template 
  • Coloured craft papers
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Pencil
  • Marker
  • Scissors
  • Glue

stick puppet supplies

Alien Puppets Directions:

STEP 1: Print alien puppet template

Start by printing and cutting out the shapes from the template. You can find the printable at the bottom of the page. Then, use a pencil to trace the UFO patterns onto your craft papers, continue by cutting them out with a scissor. (see image below)

ufo stick puppet template

STEP 2: Make paper UFO craft

Attach the small round yellow shape onto the blue strip with the rounded end. Then, glue the long yellow strip along the bottom side of the glass cover's straight side.

ufo puppet craft

Glue the 3 small pink round shapes onto the bottom strip of the UFO. Grab a piece of white paper and cut out the crescent shape and glue it to one side of the glass. 

ufo paper craft

Start attaching the 3 small strips onto the bottom side of the paper UFO and then glue the blue strip with the yellow circle to the top side. Your UFO paper craft is now complete and ready to be made into your first stick puppet. 

alien puppets

STEP 3: Make Paper Alien Craft

Get your favourite coloured papers for each alien and prepare the patterns by tracing them onto the coloured paper and cutting them out. 

alien puppets template

Alien stick puppet

Glue the eyes and the other small parts of the alien to its base. Then, draw the mouth and other little details using a black marker. You can use the different shapes on the template in anyway you like to make your own unique alien crafts!

Alien stick puppet craft

As a final step you need to attach the alien and UFO paper crafts onto some popsicle sticks. You have now completed your alien stick puppets!

Alien puppets. Easy stick puppet craft.

These puppets look so pretty darn adorable! There's a lot of cutting paper involved so if doing this craft with younger children it might be a good idea to prepare some of the parts in advance. But other than that, this is a totally easy craft that kids will love making and playing with. 


To download these Alien Stick Puppets for free click on the link below and use the discount code: alien. For personal or classroom use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted. Thank you.

alien puppet template

We hope that you have lots of fun with your alien puppets and that the printable alien template helps you with making your own stick puppet collection. Have fun using your puppets to make up some imaginative stories! 

Alien puppets. Stick puppet craft for kids with printable alien template. Great for a space project for kids.

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