Adorable Sunflower Suncatcher Craft using Real Nature

Brighten up your home with this adorable Sunflower Suncatcher Craft and welcome nature's beauty into your home!

Sunflower suncatcher craft

I think we can all agree this is a stunning craft, but you won't believe how easy it is to make!

This Suncatcher craft for kids is that perfect little craft project you can put together in a few hours and have a wonderful time with the little ones outside. 

Kids will be obsessed over this eye-catching suncatcher, trust me!

If you are looking for more dreamy suncatcher DIY tutorials for little ones check out a few of our favourites! 

If you love sunflowers as much as we do you might also like to take a look at our Van Gogh sunflowers for kids. You might also like this sunflower art painted with spices or our easy sunflower craft.

Sunflower Suncatcher Craft

Sunflower Suncatcher Craft Supplies:

  • Contact paper (sticky back plastic)
  • Scissors
  • Embroidery hoop
  • Marker or pen
  • Nature treasures

Sunflower Suncatcher Craft Instructions:

Before starting this sunflower craft have fun outside looking for nature treasures! 

STEP 1: Get all your supplies ready.

Prepare the surface you'll be working on and gather all your materials. To start, you need to take the contact paper and trace out two squares about two inches wider than the diameter of the embroidery hoop you've picked to work with and adjust the measurements. For example, we used a four-inch hoop for this suncatcher, so we cut two 6" x 6" squares.

sunflower craft for kids

STEP 2: Make your sticky canvas with contact paper and embroidery hoop.

Carefully, peel the back from one of the contact paper squares. Make it fit into your embroidery hoop, making sure you put the sticky side up. It would be best if you also kept the outer hoop very loose when you fit the contact paper to avoid sticking.

suncatcher craft for kids

STEP 3: Make your sunflower design.

Now it's time for some magic! Take the sunflower (or whatever nature treasure you've chosen for you suncatcher) and place them on the contact paper, sticky side up, in any pattern you like.

nature suncatcher craft

STEP 4: Place the second contact paper piece on top.

Once you are happy with your design, it's time to remove the hoop's top ring. Do this carefully, then peel the backing from the second square of contact paper and place it face down on top of your design, making sure to press firmly to set in place.

how to make a sunflower suncatcher

STEP 5: Finalise sunflower suncatcher craft!

Now, for the final step, all you need to do is replace the top ring of your hoop and tighten. Trim off any excess contact paper from the hoop's back.

And... you're all set to hang up this fabulous sunflower suncatcher in the window and display for everyone to enjoy.

sunflower suncatcher craft for kids

We hope you have tons of fun making this sunny craft! Now all that is left to do is think about where you will hang this beautiful sunflower suncatcher craft?

sunflower suncatcher crafts for kids.

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