Whether you are a parent looking for new and fun ideas to try with the kids at home or you're a teacher trying to add some extra fun into the classroom this fall, we've got you covered with this fantastic Pumpkin Volcano experiment for kids!

This cute little pumpkin volcano is Halloween-approved too! It's a perfect addition to your Halloween activities!
You can also use this pumpkin activity as a chance to go over some science basics with your kids. Teaching through fun and hands-on activities is the best way to reinforce kids' knowledge, and this volcano experiment fits the bill.
So, grab your supplies and get your workstation ready for some fun!
Want more similar projects? Have a look at this Snow Volcano or check out our other Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiments. For pumpkins, don't throw away the pumpkin guts and use them to make Pumpkin Slime or check out this list of other Pumpkin Activities.
You could also check out our list of science experiments for kids!
How do you make a pumpkin volcano?

Pumpkin Volcano experiment for kids - Supplies:
- 1 cup white vinegar
- ¼ cup baking soda
- Food colouring, if desired
- 1 small pumpkin
- Melon baller
- Sharp knife
Pumpkin Volcano experiment for kids - Instructions:
STEP 1: First things, first!
Gather your supplies and prepare the surface you'll be working on. I recommend doing this before inviting the kids to be part of the experiment as we'll be using a knife to cut the pumpkin, and it is best to do it without little ones running around! If older children are doing this experiment they may enjoy preparing for the experiment themselves.

STEP 2: Prepare the pumpkin.
Take a sharp knife and start by removing the stem from your pumpkin. Then, make a large hole inside your pumpkin by using a melon baller to remove all the seeds.

STEP 3: The magic ingredient.
Once you finished the previous step, take the baking soda and add it to the inside of your pumpkin.

STEP 4: Mix your magical concoction.
For this step, you should decide if you want to use food colouring. You can do this volcano experiment without, but I recommend adding a contrasting colour to make this experiment much more fun!

Add the food colouring to the baking soda (or alternatively to the vinegar). Next, pour the vinegar over the baking soda inside the pumpkin.
STEP 5: Watch the bursting result of this experiment.
Now it's time to watch the extraordinary eruption burst! Making your pumpkin volcano erupt is so much fun!!!!!

This pumpkin volcano experiment for kids can go on and on! Just keep adding more baking soda and vinegar. We hope you enjoy this spooky Halloween science experiment and learn a little something too!

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