If this lovely delicious pop-tart recipe made your mouth water, check out some of our other tasty kid-friendly recipes!
How to Make a Kid-Friendly Valentine's Pop Tart House
Valentine's Pop-Tart House - Supplies:
- 5 Strawberry Pop-tarts (for each house)
- Vanilla Frosting
- Conversation Hearts
- Valentine's Sprinkles
- Pastry Bag
Valentine's Pop-Tart House - Directions:
STEP 1: Get your construction workstation ready!
Let's build our yummy pop-tart Valentine's house!
Begin by taking 3 of the 5 pop-tarts. Keep the other 2 aside for making the roof later.
We are going to start by making the front and back of the pop tart house. To do this you will need to use a serrated knife to cut off the top part of 2 of the pop tarts (making a triangle shape at the top), trying to make it the most evenly possible. Then take the third pop-tart and cut it in half right in the centre.
STEP 2: Put together your pop tart house
We will be 'gluing' the pop tart house together using the vanilla frosting. Prepare the pastry bag by pouring the vanilla frosting in it and then cut off a small tip to create a pipe.
To make the pop tart house 'glue' the front and the two sides to the centre of a plate using your vanilla frosting, then add the back of the house.
Hold it to keep it in place for about 5 minutes.
STEP 3: Add the pop tart roof and decorate!
Now you need to add the roof and let the house dry for at least 20 minutes before adding the decorations. To make the roof you will be using the two full pop tarts that you left aside in step one. 'Glue' them on using your frosting.
STEP 4: Decorate your pop tart house
Start decorating your house once the 20 minutes have passed and your house is dry. Add candy hearts with frosting and decorate the plate by drizzling icing onto it and if the plate your using is big enough, go big with some Valentine's sprinkles!

Let everything dry and prepared to enjoy your Valentine's dessert!
We hope you and your kids enjoy making and eating this tasty Valentine's Pop Tart House!

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