Chinese New Year Dragon Puppet (with template!)

Welcome and celebrate the new lunar year with this awesome Chinese Dragon Puppet (complete with dragon puppet template!) This dragon craft is sure to capture your child's imagination! It's such a simple but fun way to explore the mystical world of dragons and welcome the new lunar year. Read on to get our free printable dragon template!

Chinese New Year dragon puppet craft with dragon template

You are never too young to learn! That's one of our main mantras at home and the beginning of the Chinese New Year gives us a wonderful opportunity to learn and celebrate Chinese culture!

With this in mind, we've created this beautiful and easy craft inspired by dragons. Kids are sure to love making it, trust us.

For this craft, we were inspired by dragons. In Chinese culture, dragons are a symbolic figure that dates back to ancient times, representing power and good luck, among many other things! 

These red, fire-breathing creatures are one of the main attractions during the Chinese New Year's celebrations, as the Dragon dances are believed to bring good luck and fortune to the community!

Now, scroll down to the bottom of this post and get your copy of this dragon puppet template, and let's start crafting!

Don't forget to check out some of these awesome Chinese New Year and dragon-themed crafts including more dragon puppets!
Scroll down for your printable dragon puppet template

Chinese New Year Dragon Puppet (dragon puppet template included!)

Chinese dragon paper craft - Supplies:

  • Dragon template puppet
  • Colored paper
  • Markers
  • Tape
  • Craft sticks

Chinese dragon puppet - Instructions:

Chinese Dragon Puppet

STEP 1: Download & Print out dragon puppet template.

Scroll down below and download the printable dragon template! Print it out and prepare all your supplies.

printable dragon puppet template

STEP 2: Color your dragon!

Invite the kids to pick their fave colours for their dragon! We decided to go with the traditional colors; red and orange. 

Encourage them to start coloring the face with the markers and then colour the tail. Using scissors, cut out the tail and face once the kids are done coloring them. 

dragon puppet template

STEP 3: Cut paper strips.

Use the rectangle in the template as a guide and cut out six strips of coloured paper.

paper strips- use dragon template as guide

Now, grab two of those strips and perpendicularly attach each other's ends using tape. (see image below)

strips of paper to make dragon puppet

STEP 4: Fold paper strips.

Fold the strips of coloured paper over each other, alternating the pattern until you start forming an accordion shape.

paper accordion shape

Repeat the same steps with the other four strips of colored paper. 

chinese dragon puppet paper craft body

STEP 5: Make dragon body.

Now you need to put all three of the accordion shapes together to form a long accordion shape. If you want a longer dragon, just make more!

dragon puppet craft made from dragon puppet template

Attach a craft stick to each end using tape.

how to make a dragon puppet

STEP 6: Add dragons head and tail

Grab the dragon's head, and it's tail. Using tape, attach them to the accordion. 

Chinese dragon puppet craft

dragon paper craft

dragon puppet

STEP 7: Showtime!

Your dragon puppet is now ready to celebrate the Chinese new year!

chinese new year craft dragon puppet

Now, it's just a matter of playtime! Encourage your children to use their imagination, creating stories about the magical world of dragons!

We also have another printable Chinese dragon puppet available in the Messy Little Monster shop if you want to explore a different design. 

printable Chinese dragon puppet


To download this Dragon Printable Template for free click on the link below and use the discount code: dragon. For personal or classroom use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted. Thank you.

dragon puppet template

We hope you and your little ones have a lovely time making this chinese dragon puppet. Enjoy and Happy Chinese New Year!

Chinese Dragon Puppet. Chinese New Year Craft for kids. Printable dragon puppet template.

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