Make the best out of this snowy season and turn a cold day into a colourful and fun adventure using Rainbow Ice to make rainbow snow! (PLUS we have also included lots of no snow rainbow ice sensory play ideas)
If keeping kids busy during summer is difficult, adding cold weather and snow to the equation will probably result in some pretty cranky little ones.
But, there's good news. Snow and cold days may have more obstacles than sunny days, but there are still tons of different winter-friendly activities to explore!
Today we'll show you how to make the most of even the snowiest day with a super fun rainbow activity with the perfect mix of art and nature.
Ways to Use Rainbow Ice
If you have snow scroll on down for our fun snow rainbow ice activity, but it you have no snow, we have got you covered!
Okay, so not everyone is surrounded by piles of snow every winter (lucky you!), but that doesn't mean you can't be a part of this awesome ice art project! If you don't have snow, you can use the rainbow ice to make a fun rainbow ice sensory bin.
To do this simply add spray bottles, pipettes, tongs, and other items into a bin, then add a bowl of warm water for your little ones to use to start melting the ice. Add some of the warm water to the spray bottle and and using the tongs, encourage your little one to move around the melting ice.
You can also build multi-coloured blocks with your rainbow ice! How fun!
Have your child stack the rainbow ice cubes together and count how many you can stack before the tower falls over!
More Rainbow Ice Play Ideas
Another fun way to use these rainbow ice cubes is super simple but fun-guaranteed! Take 2 or 3 rainbow ice cubes and put them in a glass or transparent container; let them melt for a few minutes, and then check what colour they have made as they mix together! Ask your child about it. It's a wonderful opportunity to add some hands-on colour theory practice!
Have you ever tried painting with coloured ice? This is another fun way to use your rainbow ice cubes. Simply glide the ice cubes across a piece of paper to create rainbow coloured patterns. If you don't want cold fingers you can add small sticks to each ice cube before freezing them like we did with our winter
ice painting.
One final way to use your rainbow ice is in your drinks! If you want to add some bubbly fun, add a few rainbow ice cubes to your favourite pop soda and see them fizzle as you turn the soda into a whole new colour!
Rainbow Ice Snow Activity
Looking for more ice activities? Make an Ice Skating Sensory Play activity or try out a spot of Ice Water Play.
Rainbow Ice - Supplies:

Rainbow Snow Ice Activity- Directions:
STEP 1: Add rainbow colouring to ice tray!
Alright, let's begin! Start by choosing which colours you'll use. To keep the theme, we decided on all of the colours of the rainbow, but you can always adjust to what you have or to your little one's favourite colour scheme! Add a drop of each colour into your ice tray.
STEP 2: Mix with water
Then pour water into each section of your tray. Make sure not to overfill it with water, or it'll overflow and cause a bit of a mess.
Using a straw, stir each colour to ensure the food coloring and water are perfectly blended.
STEP 3: Freeze and wait.
Put your rainbow ice tray in the fridge and wait until it is totally frozen. Check after an hour or so and once it's ready, take out the tray, gather everything else you'll need and invite the kids to join you outside!
STEP 4: Ice painting in snow!
Take a tray and fill it with snow, then guide the kids to add the coloured ice cubes onto the snow and encourage them to move them around as they play!
As they move the rainbow ice around the snow the snow will begin turning rainbow colours! Use bottles of water to help the colours melt or even use our
spray snow paint to add extra colour!
And there you have it, a super fun snow and ice activity you can do with the little ones outside, perfect for the winter weather.
We hope you and your little ones enjoy making and playing with rainbow ice in the snow and that you have a cool time! ;)
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