- Apple Stamping Pop Art for Kids
- Apple Art Activity for Toddlers
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Apple Stamping
Apple stamping - Supplies:
- Apples
- Cardstock or any other type of thick paper.
- Tempera paint in red, yellow, and green
- Paper plate or painting tray
- Knife (for parental use only)
- Popsicle sticks (optional)
Apple Stamp Painting - Instructions:
STEP 1 - Prepare your apple stamps:
Let's begin! To start, make sure you have all the supplies you'll need for this activity nearby. Grab the apples and slice them in half with your knife. We recommend doing this step before you invite the little ones to join, to be completely safe.

STEP 2 - Add a handle to your apple stamps:
To make it easier for the kids to do the stamping, you could add a popsicle into the skinned side of the apples to create a handle.

STEP 3 - Prepare your paint:
Grab a paper plate and squirt on the paint, a little bit of each colour.

STEP 4 - Let the stamping begin!
Now, prepare the paper where the kids will do the stamping. Our recommendation is to use cardstock or any white paper as long is on the thicker side.
Help your kids to grab the apples and press the apple's flat side into the paint. Then, press the painted apple onto their white paper.

STEP 5 - Explore different patterns:
Now, it's time to have fun! Encourage your kids to create different patterns and designs using their painted apples to create their own stamping masterpiece!

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