Recycling is a word we hear all the time and most adults know how to recycle, but when it comes to kids, it’s important to teach them how to recycle in a fun way so they don’t think of recycling as a boring task but more as an opportunity to have fun!
Creating this homemade stamps craft is the perfect opportunity for children to recycle an everyday item - bottle tops. Using just bottle tops and craft foam you can make your own set of stamps in any shape or design you like.
For more stamp crafts, check these from our collection:
- 2D Shape Stamps
- Homemade Cardboard Stamps
- Heart Art Stamps- You can use cookie cutters dipped in paint as stamps!
How to make a stamp from bottle caps and crafts foam
How to make stamps - List of Supplies:
- Plastic bottle cap
- Craft foam sheet
- Pencil/ marker
- Scissors
- Craft glue
How to make homemade stamps - Instructions:
STEP 1: Trace the base of your stamp.
STEP 2: Draw your stamp shape
Using a pencil or marker, draw a simple shape inside the traced line from bottle cap on the foam sheet.
As long as the shape fits the bottle caps, go wild with your imagination! I would however suggest keeping the shapes simple, shapes like a heart, flower or star would work well.
STEP 3: Cut your foam sheet.
Use your scissors to cut out the shapes from the craft foam sheet.
STEP 4: Glue shape to bottle cap
Take your bottle caps and put a little bit of glue on the plain side of them. Then, place the foam shapes in the centre and press them onto the glue. Now you should let your stamps dry completely.
Pro Tip: If you want a quick-and-easy craft, you can use hot glue instead of a regular one.
STEP 5: Use paint or ink on your homemade stamps
Once your homemade stamps are dry it is time to have fun and get creative with them! Depending on what you have on your craft supplies box, you can either use ink-pads or brush some paint on the foam shapes attached to bottle caps.
Have fun creating different patterns with your stamps. If you want to change colours simply wipe the paint or ink from your stamp before using a new colour.
You could use your homemade stamps to create wrapping paper or cute greeting cards.
I hope you have found it fun following this how-to make a stamp tutorial to make your own set of homemade stamps. Have tons of fun getting creative and stamping every little piece of paper around!
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