Be a King or Queen for the day with this free printable crown template. Have fun using the crown template to make your own paper crown craft, whether it be for a birthday celebration, fun dressing up day, or to become a King or Queen for the day!
This crown craft is perfect for anyone celebrating the Kings Coronation, as are our King's Coronation Colouring Pages.
We love pretend play and making crowns such as these really helps children to get into role!
If you are using these printable crown templates for a celebration you could either make the paper crown crafts ahead of time to wear at your celebration, or have the printable crown templates set out with scissors, glue and markers on a kids craft table.
Free Printable Crown Template
We have 2 different crown template designs for you to choose from as well as a blank crown template for you to design your own crown. To get the printable crown templates for free use the discount code - crown.
Scroll down for your printable crown templates
King Crown Template
Simple Crown Template
Design Your Own Crown Template
If you are feeling creative why not design your own crown?! You could add patterns, simple designs or even stick on a few little gems! This design your own crown design could be really fun to use for a design a crown competition!
How to make a Paper Crown Craft
Paper Crown Craft - Supplies
- Printable crown template
- Scissors
- Glue or tape
- Markers, pencil crayons or watercolour paints
STEP 1: Print out the crown template
Scroll down to the end of the directions to get a copy of the printable crown templates. Choose the crown design that you would like to make and then print it out onto thick white paper or thin cardstock. To get the printable crown template for free use the code - crown.
STEP 2: Colour the crown template
Now it is time to add some colour to your crown template. Have fun getting creative using markers, coloured pencils or even watercolour paint.
STEP 3: Cut out the printable crown template
Following the directions on the printable cut out the three sections of the crown. Cut along the dotted lines.
STEP 4: Make up your paper crown craft
To make your paper crown craft you will need to tape or glue the headband strips to each side of the crown. Then wrap the crown around your head and cut off any excess headband before taping the two ends together. Your crown craft is now ready to be worn and you can be king or queen for the day!
To download this printable crown template for free click on the link below to be taken to the Messy Little Monster Shop and use the discount code - crown. For personal or classroom use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted. Thank you.
We hope that your love using this free printable crown template to make your own paper crown craft fit for a king or queen!

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