Ladybugs are always a cool idea for craft projects, kids just love them! And how could they not? They're adorable! Have a look at this Cupcake Liner Ladybird Craft, our cute Ladybird Footprint and this Fingerprint Ladybird Keepsake Magnet.
Symmetry Art Ladybug Craft
Ladybug Craft for Kids - Supplies:
- Black and red paint
- Paint brush
- Black, white and blue paper
- Scissors
- Glue
- Googly Eyes
- Black Marker
- Red Paint Pen
Ladybug Craft for Kids - Instructions:
STEP 1: Get your ladybug craft template
Cut out the template and grab your other supplies.
STEP 2: Paint one side of the paper.
Cut your white paper into 4 parts. Fold each of those 4 parts in half.
Taking your red and black paint, paint one half of each piece of white paper. Use your red paint first and then add black dots.
STEP 3: Fold the paper...
It's time for the fun part! Now, carefully fold the paper over and let the paint squish onto the other side. You'll get an imprint of the red and black paint!
It's very important to let the paint dry completely before moving onto the next step!
Trace the wing's template onto the paper you just painted once it's dry. Then, cut the shape out.
Do the same with the body and head template but this time on your black paper. Use a light-colored pencil to get a good trace pattern!
Place all your cut shapes on a flat surface and start to put together your ladybug craft! Glue each piece onto the blue paper and then glue the googly eyes onto the head. You can use a red paint pen to add a little smile and use a black marker to draw the antennae.
Your symmetry art ladybug craft is now complete! If you wanted to you could mount your blue paper filed with ladybugs onto a larger piece of black paper to create a border around the edge.
STEP 4: Trace the rest of your ladybug
Trace the wing's template onto the paper you just painted once it's dry. Then, cut the shape out.
Do the same with the body and head template but this time on your black paper. Use a light-colored pencil to get a good trace pattern!
STEP 5: Put your ladybug craft together
To get this ladybug template for free click on the link below and use the discount code: ladybug. For personal or classroom use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted. Thank you.
This ladybug craft is so pretty, isn't it? I love this idea. It is a great way to spend some quality time with the little ones and have tons of funs doing something creative whilst also improving fine motor skills. I hope you enjoy making your symmetry art ladybug craft!
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