Learn about color with this super cool Color Wheel Art Project! This color wheel project uses basic art supplies that you are likely to already have such as tissue paper instead of the usual paint. It is a fun alternative to creating a painted color wheel and it is easy to create using our color wheel template. As children make their own color wheel (that can double up as a suncatcher!) they can learn about primary and secondary colors.
With this color wheel art project, kids can learn to identify primary and secondary colors in an interactive and hands-on way! They can discover firsthand what happens when two of the primary colors are mixed together to create a secondary color.
This color wheel craft has been taken from our elements of art color project pack. If you enjoy this color wheel art project then you might also like to explore some of our other elements of art projects.
Creative Color Wheel Ideas
For more creative color wheel ideas learn how to make a color wheel with our turtle color wheel printable, or use our color mixing worksheets to create a flower color wheel.
Color Wheel Art Project
Color wheel project supplies
- Color wheel printable
- Tissue paper (primary colors - red, blue, yellow - cut into small squares)
- Scissors
- Mod Podge glue (or white school glue)
- Paintbrush
- Page protector (clear plastic)
- Black glue (mix a little black paint into white school glue)
How to make a color wheel art project
STEP 1: Get the free color wheel printable
First things first! Scroll to the bottom of these instructions and get our free printable color wheel template. Print it out onto white paper and then insert it into a clear page protector.
STEP 2: Add tissue paper to the color wheel printable
Prepare your tissue paper by cutting small squares of each of the three primary colors, red, blue and yellow. You will need enough of each color to fill two sections on the color wheel.
Apply the tissue paper squares onto the glue starting with the red tissue.
Fill one section of the wheel and then add a second layer of glue on top of the tissue paper before moving on to the next color.
Once you have completed your red section miss out a section and fill the next one with yellow tissue paper in a similar way.
For the secondary colors, you will need to overlap two primary colors to form a new mixed color. Between the red and yellow sections create a section that contains both yellow and red squares of tissue to create an orange.
Continue adding tissue paper around the color wheel. The section next to the yellow will need to be a mixture of both yellow and blue tissue to create a green, the next section will be just blue tissue paper and the final section a mixture of red and blue tissue paper to create a purple.
STEP 3: Complete your color wheel project
To finish off your color wheel, outline every section of the color wheel with black glue. You can squirt it straight from the glue bottle. (To turn your glue into black glue just add a little black paint into the glue bottle and shake the bottle so the paint and glue mix together)

Once you have outlined the color wheel with black glue leave it to dry and then remove the template from inside the plastic page protector. Cut out your color wheel with scissors.
This color wheel art project is a lot of fun to create and a little different from the usual painted color wheel. Your completed color wheel project can even be used as a suncatcher!
The color wheel template that we have used for this art project is included as part of our elements of art color pack, alternatively, scroll down to get just the color wheel template for free.
We also have our elements of art bundle that includes all 7 elements of art.
To get this printable color wheel template for free click on the link below. For personal or classroom use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted. Thank you.
We hope that you have a lot of fun creating this color wheel art project. Kids will love layering up the tissue paper to see what secondary colors they can create from the primary colors. Hold your color wheel project up to the light or stick it on a window to see the sun shine through the colors.

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