Explore the fascinating world of optical illusions with this fun 3d hand art activity! This 3d hand drawing art project is easy to create and kids will love the illusion it creates.

Kids of all ages will love this optical art hand. Younger children will need a little help with the drawing, but older children will love independently creating their own hand drawing illusion.
They can get creative with colors and will love how the hand appears in 3D as they add curved lines to their hand drawing.
Whilst we have a hand template that you can use for this optical art hand art project, we would recommend drawing around your own hand to make it more unique and personal.

3D Hand Drawing Illusion
3D Hand Art - Supplies
- Hand Printable (or draw around your own hand)
- Ruler
- Markers
Optical Illusion Hand Art - Directions
STEP 1 - Get the hand template or draw around your hand
To start this 3D hand art project either grab the hand template by scrolling to the end of these directions or take a black marker and draw around your hand on a piece of white paper.
If drawing around your hand spread out your fingers and place your hand in the center of the piece of paper before carefully tracing around the outline of your hand.
STEP 2 - Draw lines on the hand outline
Next, take a ruler and draw horizontal lines across the paper using a black marker, but avoid drawing on the hand shape. You can measure the gap between the lines or draw them so they are roughly the same width apart.

STEP 3 - Add the 3D effect to the hand drawing
It's now time to create the hand drawing illusion by making your hand drawing appear as if it is 3D. For this, you simply need to draw curved lines across the hand area, making sure they join the straight lines on either side of the hand. Make sure all of the curved lines are at the same angle.

See how the hand pops out of the page and appears as if it is 3D. Kids will love this hand drawing illusion!

STEP 4 - Color your 3D hand art
Now you have all your lines drawn in place it's time for some color! Use markers to color each line in a different color. When you are finished your hand will have a 3 dimensional look.

If you enjoyed this 3D hand art project you might like our printable elements of art project pack that is available in the Messy Little Monster Shop.
To get the hand template for free, click on the link below and use the discount code - hand. For personal or classroom use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted. Thank you.
This 3D hand drawing creates such a cool optical illusion! It is so easy to make too, using simple supplies that you will have at home. We hope you enjoy creating your own 3D hand art. Have fun experimenting with different color options!

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